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SkyNetServices Staff Application
Started by SkyNetServices

Q: What is your minecraft username?

A: SkyNetServices (main) / SkyVival (alt) / StorageBoy (alt) / VeryLoudFart (alt)

The Alts might get used to afk farms in the future but I've also used them to test perms / issues as a player in the past.  


Q: What is your discord name and tag?

A: SkyNetServices#3039


Q: How old are you currently?

A: 60 (yep) 


Q: What is your time zone?

A: GMT +00:00


Q: Were you referred by a current staff member? If so, by who?

A: Not that I know of, Zero asked me to DM. We had a nice chat.  


Q: Which staff position are you applying for?

A: I think I'd fit well as Admin but I'm flexible. 


Q: Roughly when did you first join Zero-Bit?

A: I believe it was either the 16th or 17th August (both the MineCraft server and Discord). 


Q: Which gamemode do you mostly play (i.e. Survival, Skyblock, PvP Games)?

A: Survival, but I have played / staffed Skyblock in the past. I normally avoid PvP (but see later answer)


Q: Do you have any previous experience being staff? If so, please elaborate.


2012->2013 At GotPvP: Mod on Skyblock and Survival as "StorageBoy". But I did actually manage to avoid any PvP.
2013->2014 At SpiffingCraft (Minecraft): Owner / Admin (as StorageBoy).    
2020->2022 At SlimeWorld (Minecraft) MiniMod -> Mod -> Admin  (as SkyNetServices) 

I also assisted Mav on the backend when he switched SlimeWorld to a Dedicated server at Hetzner.
I have some Linux experience which came in useful but Mav was up to speed pretty quick. He's a smart cookie. 
I also installed pterodactyl / Slimefun on my own server at home so I would be better prepared for any issues Mav might run into with Debian / PHP / etc etc.     


Q: Do you personally agree with our server rules? Please state why.


Yes they align pretty well with my ideas of what a good set of rules should look like.
There aren't too many of them so players actually have a good chance of reading them all.
They appear to leave some decision making / discretion to the staff, which is good.
Also, I really like the Staff Guidelines on the forum, it makes it very clear what is expected of staff.
It also gives a good sense of the culture that you are trying to achieve for the server.  


Q: What makes you think you are ready to represent the Zero-Bit Network as official staff member? 


First and foremost, I enjoy playing minecraft and I love Slimefun, I'm looking forward to learning more about the Infinity addon. I can then pass what I know onto new players who might be just starting their Slimefun journey. As a member of staff I would like to think that I'd be able to help ensure the server continues to be a safe and friendly place to play. Although I understand that staff need evidence of player wrong doing before any action is taken against them, I'd like to think I have a good "gut feel" for when A player might be breaking the rules.  A case in point is our friend from Vietnam. I was suspicious when he was finding spawners a little too quickly. So it was no surprise that they were banned later that day. I'm guessing they were also behind the hack threat made on discord the following day, their reaction to being banned I expect. C'est la vie.          


Q: When we decided on your application, would you like us to also include the reason why you were accepted/denied?

A: All feedback would be gratefully received, yes please.


Can I just add that I really like the open and honest feel that the server has.
The server chat being available on discord is a great idea.      

Other info not covered in my answers: 

When My Nick is "Sky" it is sometimes assumed I'm female. 
For the record, I'm male, but I'm not offended if players get this wrong but I prefer he / him / they.    

Also, I'm not entirely sure of the preferred pronouns of the current staff, could someone enlighten me please?
Apologies for any bad assumptions I may have made. 



  • party x1
  • thumbup x1

I think you're more than qualified to join the staff team. I only know you from slimeworld, but it's good to know you have experience from other places too. You're a hard worker, fun to be around, not afraid to do what needs to be done, and not afraid to ask for help if needed.

That being said, I know you from working with you in the past but the others don't. With that in mind, I'm changing my vote.

My vote: Yes for the position of Admin. 

Changed vote: Helper position. 

I meant what I said to you in dm's, so my vote is definitely a yes, however, I just do not know you enough to give you admin straight away, which is quite the powerful role on the server. I'd personally like to hire you as helper first with the expectation of a promotion to mod quite fast and eventually to admin once I got to know you in a different environment (aka within the staff team) as long as other admins agree of course. 

I only know you from here (Zero-Bit) and from what I see when we are both in game you seem knowledgeable and friendly (comes with age lol) would be nice to have another player close to my age xD. You seem to be able to handle interaction with other players well. Yes from me.

I realize I voted you for a high position too quickly from what I've seen you're capable of without taking what the others know/don't know into account. I agree you should start as a helper. This way we all can see what you're capable of and decide from there.

Hi Skynet. I would have to agree with the rest of the staff. Helper role would be a great start in the server. You seem very knowledgeable with minecraft and i believe you would be a great addition to the team. My vote is yes for The helper role. Have a good day.

Based on other responses I will say yes.